Best Plants for Winnipeg
Winnipeg, Manitoba
Winnipeg falls into zone 3a, with a cold temperature extreme of -40°F. This means that plants rated for Hardiness Zones 3a or lower can survive in Winnipeg. Read along to find perfect plants for our climate
A plant that lives and thrives year after year. Plants like the Karl foerster, daylily and the Sun king japanese spikenard are great additions to the landscape. These plants require minimal maintenance, other than a little watering in times of drought and a bit of pruning in the fall or early spring.
Shrubs are great to fill in space and create lovely focal points among your landscape. A row of Annabelle hydrangeas available in many colors like pink, blue or the classic white Annabelle can give your landscape a beautiful pop of color. Other excellent shrubs include the ninebark, also available in different colors like dark purple, lime green or copper. The yellow spirea is also excellent and low maintenance. We always recommend these for their lower profile and easy maintenance.
Trees can be tricky. We know about Winnipeg landscape design and always recommend talking to a nursery or giving us a call to talk about your needs and what would work best on your property. Some favorites of ours and Winnipeg’s weather include the Amur maple. Very hardy with beautiful fall foliage it creates a lovely accent for small home landscapes. A limelight hydrangea (tree form). This selection features enormous, dense upright panicles of flower heads that start out a soft lime green, fading over the summer to white and finally brown in fall. Also a lovely accent and great for general garden use. You really can’t go wrong with these selections. Evergreens are great as well because they provide color all year long. Plants like the globe blue spruce or the skybound arborvitae are some of our favorites.